Making 2011 Your Most Profitable Year Online

Yesterday I recorded my last webinar of the year on how you can make 2011 your most profitable year online to date. Unfortunately I forgot to hit the record button 37 minutes into the presentation (I am notorious for doing this). I ended up rerecording the first 37 minutes and actually cut it down to 23 minutes. I then just merged it with the second half. The webinar gave real practical tips on increasing your revenue for 2011.

Watch the replay below:

There were dozens of questions at the end of the webinar that I simply did not have time to answer. I will be posting these questions and my answers in a separate blog post when I get a chance.

A big thanks to everyone who has already joined to help me raise money for worthy causes every month. The first month of content will be released at the start of January 2011.

Join today

Feel free to post your comments.

Best wishes,
Gauher Chaudhry

Scaling With Media Buys

I did a webinar earlier today with Greg Davis who is an expert at media buys and shared some of his tips. I had the wrong mic on when I first started the webinar so I sound like I am talking in a phone booth. I quickly fixed this.

Watch the replay below:

Grab your ticket to Vegas!

Feel free to post your comments.

Best wishes,
Gauher Chaudhry

Are You Unstoppable?

Last night I had the pleasure of interviewing Matt Wadsworth who has built a million dollar empire in just the past few years despite being completely blind. He covered four big takeaways during the webinar that if you follow will lead you on the road to success.

Watch the replay below:

Please send your receipt to gauher (at) to get my exclusive bonus mentioned in the video.

Click Here To Order iUnstoppable Training Program

Feel free to post your comments.

Best wishes,
Gauher Chaudhry

Placing SEO On Auto-Pilot

A few days ago, I recorded a great call with Marc Lindsay to talk about the benefits of organic traffic.  Marc also demonstrated “Raipd Free Traffic”, which is their automated SEO service that builds backlinks to your web sites over time.  For a limited time, they are offering lifetime access to this platform that has helped them build over 325,000+ backlinks and countless number one keyword rankings in Google.

Watch the replay below:

Please send your receipt to gauher (at) to get the exclusive bonuses mentioned in the video.

Click Here To Order Rapid Free Traffic Lifetime Access

Feel free to post your comments.

Best wishes,
Gauher Chaudhry