Mark Ling: Making Money In A Niche

A few weeks ago, a good friend and smart marketer Mark Ling came to spend some time with me at my home to mastermind and do some strategic planning.  We decided to shoot some videos and I wanted to share one of them with you.

I think you will get a lot of value from the video because we talk about how you can get started in a new market and develop a game plan to make money in that market.

Please feel free to comment below.

Best wishes,

Gauher Chaudhry

Sales Letter Headlines: 7 Effective Headline Formulas

Did you know that 80% of the success of your sales letter depends on how effective your headline is? It only makes sense to spend the majority of your “copywriting” time on creating headlines that grab your prospect’s attention and compel them to read the rest of your sales letter.

Writing Effective Sales HeadlinesEffective headlines will always help you attract people to your product. Making an appealing headline for your product may be a challenging task. However, there are seven formulas that you can use to help you achieve this task easily.

1. Benefit Technique: Start by listing all the benefits of your product. From this list, pick the most attractive benefit your product offers. A headline which is centered on the most attractive benefit has a high chance of attracting more attention and interest than one which does not have a benefit.

2. Borrow It Technique: Secondly, use the ‘borrow it’ technique. This technique borrows formats, phrases, words and ideas from other headlines and incorporates them to suit. In this case, you take individual components from several existing headlines and repackage them by combining some features of each to form the ultimate hybrid. Never copy a headline word for word. This is an easy way to put together a solid headline in a few minutes.

3. Brainstorming Technique: Alternatively, you can use the brainstorming technique. Though it can be effectively done individually, it has the best result when it is done in groups. All participants should free their minds and let the ideas flow without limitations. Brainstorming can be best done when participants think of benefits to the customer and stick to descriptions of one to five words. They should try and think of single phrases or words that describe benefits of the service or product.

4. Power-Packed Technique: The power-packed combination is another effective formula for creation of sales headlines. A combination headline of this kind should include multiple combinations. For example, it can include a ‘benefit, offer and guarantee’ or a ‘benefit and an offer’. Since the options are plentiful in this situation, you should choose one that packs the biggest punch while working well in a particular situation. The result will be a headline that is three times more powerful than a normal headline.

5. Dream Technique: Another effective formula is delivering the dream. Prospects will always want an advantage and / or a better way of doing things. In most cases, they will be looking for solutions to problems and new alternatives that save effort, money and time. The idea of such a headline is transforming the product to an ideal answer for your prospects’ deepest aspirations and desires.

6. Testimonial Technique: Formula number six involves using your customer’s own words. Gather all feedback you may have gotten from your customers, because words of satisfied clients will always hold a lot of weight with prospects. A good testimonial headline is one that speaks to a prospect about something he really desires in a language he can understand.

7. Fill Blanks Technique: The seventh and last formula is filling in the blanks. This is the easiest approach for any person who is struggling with the other six formulas. In this case, you just need to get a few starters and fill in the blanks with the appropriate benefit, action word, expression or description. Some suggestions are: ___ reasons why you should ________ and How to ______ 100% guaranteed. You could fill in one of the blanks by stating: 10 reasons why you should use (name of product). You can use any of these seven formulas to ensure you create the best advertising headlines in the market.

I hope these seven formula tips help you write a more profitable sales letter. To learn more about writing effective sales headlines – Click Here


Gauher Chaudhry

The Stats Don’t Lie

A few weeks ago I started split testing different variations of the sales page for my CPA Quantum video course.

This was especially important because I had just moved CPA Quantum to be sold on the Clickbank platform to attract more affiliates to start promoting it.

So I wanted to make sure that I was continually improving the sales page to maximize the earnings per click (EPC) for the affiliates.

I used to use Google web site optimizer for my split tests, but have recently switched for three reasons:

1. Google web site optimizer will no longer be around in a few weeks.

2. The stats were not in real-time.

3. I don’t trust Google.

I have been using a service called Visual Website Optimizer, which makes split-testing much easier than Google web site optimizer ever did.

I basically tested two variations of the sales video:

Variation 1 – Video with full controls.

Variation 2 – Video with only a pause function when somebody clicked on the video.

The second variation where the prospect could only pause the video and not fast forward the video outperformed the control by 3 to 1.

This basically means that the second variation outperformed the first variation by 300%!

Now, I know that many of you including myself sometimes cringe when we see videos like this, but that stats don’t lie.

The video with only a pause function simply converted better in this test.

You may hesitate to do this with your own sales videos, but you need to put your Internet marketing hat on and take off your consumer hat.

If you want to increase your own conversions, running a similar test may yield the same results.

Basically you might triple your sales.

Are you still cringing?

The reason for the dramatic rise in conversions is quite simple. You are basically forcing the prospect to consume the entire sales message, which eventually converts the prospect into a customer.

I use a program called Flowplayer to stream my sales videos and you can download it at:

This is an example of what you code should look like to eliminate video controls except the ability to pause.

<!– this A tag is where your Flowplayer will be placed. it can be anywhere –>

<a href=”″




<!– this will install flowplayer inside previous A- tag. –>


flowplayer(“player”, “”,{

plugins: {

// disable autoloading of the controlbar plugin

controls: null


// disable the “overlay play button” (for some reason this does not work in this forum)

// play: null,

// prevent pausing

onBeforePause: function() {

return true;


// make the video loop

onBeforeFinish: function() {

return false;




I plan to run this test a little longer to see if the statistics hold steady and then will eventually test what I personally hate most… a sales video WITHOUT any controls.

If the conversion rate once again rises, who am I to complain. 😉


Gauher Chaudhry


Put Your Traffic On Autopilot

Did you ever wonder how some marketers seem to command an enormous amount of traffic online, yet they don’t buy any online ads or do any search engine optimization?

In fact, they don’t do any of their own traffic generation.

Looking back at my own Internet marketing career, this is probably the biggest mistake I’ve made and that is not establishing a long-term affiliate program for continued promotion of my products and services.

I have done a few product launches in the past, but once the launch was over, only a trickle of sales came from affiliates.

One marketer I admire for developing a highly successful in-house affiliate program is Marlon Sanders.  Marlon Sander is one of the first Internet marketing gurus online and is considered a legend.  He graciously allowed me to pick his brain about running a successful affiliate program so that you can learn about getting more leads, sales and profit.

His advice is something to be closely followed because he has attracted over 30,000 affiliates to his affiliate program and has the process down to an art.

We spent a good hour on a call and he spilled the beans to his success with his affiliate program and how he keeps his affiliates motivated to continually promote his products and services.

I have included a recorded version of the call and included a meaty PDF file that can help you start your own affiliate program.  If you sell a product or service online, you need to have an affiliate program  to dramatically increase your sales.

The PDF shows you how EASY it is to set up an affiliate program and if you sell digital goods, you can literally be set up in just a few hours.

No fluff and straight content.

You can access this quality content by joining my charity marketing web site IMStealth for only $10 a month.  A portion of your membership cost goes towards a charitable cause every single month.  You can cancel any time.

Join IMStealth Today

You don’t want to miss this call as Marlon talks about affiliate management, game theory, dictatorships and more!

Thanks and I would love for you to post your feedback on the call below.

Best wishes,

Gauher Chaudhry

P.S. – Close to the end of the call, Marlon slightly went off on a tangent and revealed how a mutual friend is banking close to $1,000 a day on auto-pilot.  Marlon actually names that service on the call and you can literally hear the excitement in my voice about the possibilities.

Increase Conversions With A Time Delay Script

Have you ever visited an online sales video only to see the order button appear below the video a few minutes into the sales presentation?

Did you ever wonder how they did that?

Marketing statistics have indicated that the longer the person watches an online sales video, the more receptive they will be to ordering the product.  But how do you get them to watch the sales video if your order button is already visible and they can easily see the price of your product with one click?

I know a lot of people can be turned off by a high-ticket item, but if they had stuck around for a portion of the sales video, they may have realized that it was a deal.

Here is the script on how you can set a time delay before having your order button appear on any page.

Place the following code below between the <head></head> tags on your web page.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
function showIt() {
document.getElementById(“hidden”).style.visibility = “visible”;
setTimeout(“showIt()”, 25000); // 1000 is 1 second

Set how long you want have the prospect watch the video before the order button appears by adjusting the seconds in the script.

Now in the body of your web page where you want he content to magically appear after a certain amount of time, place the following DIV tags.  Place the image or content that you want to magically appear in between the DIV tags.

<div ID=”hidden” style=”visibility: hidden”>

Ta da!

What I recommend is that you split test a sales page without the script against the page with the script and see which one generates the higher conversions rate.

You may be surprised. 🙂

Best wishes,

Gauher Chaudhry