The Royal Road To Riches

I remember the first time I started getting involved with making money was when I was a teenager and purchased a book called the “Royal Road To Riches” by John Wright.  This was after seeing a compelling one page sales letter in a national magazine.

This was in the early 1990’s and still a few years before the birth of the Internet.

I bought the book through blind sales copy (a sales letter that never reveals what the secret is but what it is not) and really didn’t know what it was all about until I received it in the mail.  The sales copy was compelling because it was a secret on how to make $25,000 a month from the comfort of your own home.

When I received the book, I quickly devoured it in one sitting. The secret in the book was all about selling information by mail.  Now at first, I was little bit agitated and was sitting there thinking, “That’s it? That is the secret I shelled out $12.95 for (I was a teenager back then so that was a fortune to me)? Selling information by mail?!”

Guru Mastermind

But now that I look back at that experience, it really had a profound effect on my life.  You see I did give it a try at selling information using direct mail but I didn’t have much success.  It was also a lot of work having books printed, stored and then shipped.  Being in Canada didn’t make it very cost effective to ship to the USA either.  Taking out ads in major national magazines was a pain and I would have to wait anywhere from 2-3 months before my ad would actually run.

But when the Internet came around, that really changed everything.  Not just for me, but for hundreds of thousands of people who sell information online now.

I could now sell information online in digital formats and take payments via credit card rather than having customers send me a check.

There are no printing costs involved and my customers now receive the information I sell instantly.

In fact, I have now sold millions of dollars online of just information in the form of ebooks, audio and video files.

One individual who has had enormous success selling information online is Eben Pagan who has sold over $100 million from the comfort of his own bedroom.

Eben found that people were looking for specialized information in the dating market and went out to create that information.

His dating information empire alone has grown to a $25-$30 million dollar business alone.

Eben has recently launched new information on how anybody can get involved in the “selling information” online business and how to do it successfully.

I highly recommend that you check out his free content while he is giving it away.

Click Here For The Free Videos And Reports

I must admit that 20 years after reading John Wright’s $12.95 book, the information in that book did indeed lead me down the “Royal Road To Riches.”

Best wishes,

Gauher Chaudhry

Scaling With Media Buys

I did a webinar earlier today with Greg Davis who is an expert at media buys and shared some of his tips. I had the wrong mic on when I first started the webinar so I sound like I am talking in a phone booth. I quickly fixed this.

Watch the replay below:

Grab your ticket to Vegas!

Feel free to post your comments.

Best wishes,
Gauher Chaudhry

Pay Per View Marketing Still Rocks

A few years ago I had a conversation with an affiliate manager that had a huge impact on my online marketing career.  He told me that there were affiliates on the network that were making an obscene amount of money every single day.

He wasn’t sure how they were doing it,  but he knew that they would lose up to $5,000 before lunch and end up making $15,000 the rest of the day.

After doing some of my own research, I found out that they were doing these crazy numbers with pay per view traffic.  If you are not familiar with pay per view traffic, it is traffic that is generated by adware applications.

Users download these adware applications and use them for free, but only after accepting that the occasional pop-up advertisement will appear.

There is so much PPV traffic available today, you could easily get over 1,000,000 visitors in just one day.

Now back to my story.

What these affiliates were doing was what I call the “Throw and Stick” strategy, where you rotate a variety of different CPA offers against the PPV traffic and watch which ones are profitable.

You then shut down the unprofitable offers and send all the traffic to the offer that generates the highest earnings-per-view (EPV) and make money.

Pretty simple concept.

But not many people are willing to spend $5,000 in just few short hours to find a winner. Smart marketers realize that the $5,000 is an investment in data to determine what works and what doesn’t.

Pay Per View traffic is probably the best traffic to quickly test offers with because you don’t have to create any ads, landing pages or deal with any quality score issues.

You can directly link to affiliate offers and track which offers make you a profit.

This is how I pretty much approach all the PPV campaigns I build and continue to look for offers that I think can give me a better EPV.

I have prepared a new intro to PPV marketing report that I believe will benefit you if you are looking to get into the PPV game.

Click Here For The Free Pay Per View Report

I will be relaunching Pay Per View Formula 3.0 at the end of the month for people who are interested in getting more advanced PPV training and access to PPV tools.


Best wishes,

Gauher Chaudhry

Empire Formula Bonus

It is no secret that Anik Singal is releasing his Empire Formula course today (my bonus offer is listed below).

I originally had not planned to promote it because I was just too busy preparing for my upcoming seminar.

But after reviewing the pre-launch materials, which included a free 158-page manual on how to build your empire, I easily saw the value in Anik’s teachings.

Some of you might not like Anik’s aggressive marketing style, but the fact remains that he has grossed over $32 million in just six years.

Click Here For Empire Formula

Not many marketers can make that claim.

I have met Anik on numerous occasions and the guy is smart.

1. He knows how to network.

2. He knows how to smooze and develop relationships.

3. He knows how to build a million dollar empire.

And the kid is like only 26 years old.

Empire Formula is over 35 hours of step-by-step video training on how to build own online empire.  It also includes over 50 different templates and coaching along the way.

Click Here For Empire Formula

Now understand this.

The course is not cheap.

The cost is $1,997, but there is an option for a 6-split payment plan to make the course more affordable.

Now you might be thinking, “holy crap” I ain’t paying that fee.

But let me ask you this.

How much do you think you will end up paying an accountant or a lawyer over the course of building your own million dollar empire?

I can guarantee you that it will be a heck of a lot more than $2,000.

By taking the Empire Formula course and learning from Anik;s mistakes, you can easily reduce your costs in the long run as you build your empire.

You might be paying $1,997 now for Anik’s course, but in all honesty, it may save you anywhere from $25,000-$50,000 in the long run.

Let me give you an example.

Let’s say as you grow your online business and you outsource or hire the wrong employee?  Mistakes in hiring that could have been avoided had you took Empire Formula?

That will cost you more than $2,000, right?

If you want to grow a million dollar online empire, try making a logical decision on whether this course is right for you.


You get the following bonuses when you order Empire Formula through my affiliate link:

1. Two free seats at my Traffic-Leads_Conversion seminar in Toronto on November 20, 21, 2010. I will also cover your hotel room cost for two nights. If you can’t make the event, you will be shipped the physical DVDs and workbooks.

Click For Seminar Details

2. Complete access to Pay Per View Formula 3.0 including the new version of Pay Per View Dominator 2.0 software when it is released in November.

3. Empire Formula Webinar Series – I will be recording two webinars to help you go through and understand the Empire Formula course so that you get the most out of it.

Review “Empire Formula” here:

Click Here For Empire Formula

Just send your receipt to gauher (at) with “Empire Formula” in the subject.

Best wishes,

Gauher Chaudhry

Traffic Voodoo 2.0 Bonus

This bonus is limited to the first 15 buyers as the seating is limited at my live seminar.

Bonus #1 – Free ticket to my live Traffic-Leads-Conversions seminar in Toronto (November 2010)
Bonus #2 – Free access to my traffic course
Bonus #3 – Free access to Pay Per Click Formula 2.0 Live Seminar DVDs
Bonus #4 – Free lifetime access to Pay Per View Formula 3.0 (November 15, 2010)
Bonus #5 – Free one year membership to my new membership site IMStealth opening next month.

Click Here To Order Traffic Voodoo

Gauher Chaudhry